TikTok’s duet feature allows users to create reaction and response videos to other TikToks. However, sometimes you may get an error saying “TikTok duet is not allowed for this video.” This frustrating error can happen for a variety of reasons.
In this comprehensive guide, we’ll cover all the potential causes of the “duet not allowed” message and walk through various troubleshooting steps to fix it.
Why You Get the “Duet Not Allowed” Error
There are several main reasons why TikTok may block you from dueting a particular video. Understanding the different causes can help narrow down why you are seeing the error.
The Original Video Creator Disabled Duets
One of the most common reasons for the “duet not allowed” error is that the creator of the original video disabled the duet feature. TikTok gives creators the option to turn off duets for their individual videos.
When a creator disables duets, it applies to all users – no one is able to duet that specific video. You’ll get the “duet not allowed” message even if your account and settings are perfectly fine.
It’s an intentional choice by the original poster to prevent any duet reactions or responses to their content. There is unfortunately no way around it – if the creator turned off duets, you simply won’t be able to duet their video.
The Video Contains Copyrighted Content
Videos that use copyrighted material are often blocked from being duetted. TikTok has automatic content matching that detects the use of copyrighted music, images, clips or other content.
When copyrighted content is identified, TikTok usually disables the ability to duet the video as a precaution. This prevents users from potentially spreading unauthorized use of the copyrighted content.
Trying to duet a video with copyright claims will trigger the “duet not allowed” error message. The only way to remove the error is to eliminate the copyrighted content from the original video.

It’s a Temporary Glitch or Bug
In some situations, the “duet not allowed” error pops up due to a glitch or bug in the app. Issues like server outages, updated code bugs or random app errors can cause dueting to fail temporarily.
These technical issues leading to the duet error tend to be short-lived. Waiting a bit before trying the duet again usually resolves any problems caused by temporary glitches.
The Video is Under Review by TikTok
TikTok has moderators that review videos for any potential community guideline violations. Videos containing inappropriate, dangerous or illegal content may get flagged for review.
While a video is awaiting a review decision, TikTok temporarily disables certain features like duets. This prevents the content from spreading further before a final call is made by the moderators.
If you try dueting a video that is mid-review, you’ll get the “duet not allowed” error. You’ll have to wait for the review to finish and hope the video passes and has its duet abilities reinstated.

Your Account is Blocked From Dueting
In some cases, TikTok may place restrictions on specific accounts that limit their ability to duet videos. This can occur if your account has been flagged for multiple community guideline violations.
As a consequence of repeat offenses, TikTok may revoke your duet privileges. Your account can be banned from dueting any videos across the platform.
Trying to duet while your account is restricted will trigger the “duet not allowed” message. You won’t be able to duet any videos until you resolve the restrictions placed on your account.
How to Fix the TikTok “Duets Aren’t Allowed For This Video” Error
If you encounter the “duet not allowed” error message, here are some steps you can take to troubleshoot and fix the problem:
Check If the Original Video Creator Disabled Duets
Since creator-disabled duets are a common cause of the error, first check if the video you want to duet has duets turned off.
To check if duets are disabled:
- Open the TikTok video you want to duet inside the app.
- Tap the “Share” icon below the video (it looks like an arrow pointing up from a box).
- Look at the sharing options that appear. If you see “Duet” grayed out and you can’t select it, that means the creator disabled duets. There’s unfortunately no way to duet a video when the creator has disabled the feature.

If duets are enabled, move on to the next steps for further troubleshooting.

Try Dueting the Video Again Later
Technical glitches with the app itself can cause the “duet not allowed” message to appear erroneously. Trying the duet again after some time has passed can help rule out temporary bugs.
Wait 1-2 hours, then attempt to duet the same video again. This allows time for any app errors to resolve on TikTok’s end. If the duet goes through on your second try, glitches were likely the cause.
Close and Restart the TikTok App
As an extension of troubleshooting app glitches, try force closing the TikTok app and restarting it. This provides a fresh start that could fix any stuck processes causing dueting to fail.
On an iPhone, double tap the home button and swipe up on the TikTok preview to close it. On Android, swipe TikTok away in the app viewer. Then reopen TikTok and attempt to duet the video again.
Update to the Latest Version of TikTok
Bugs in outdated versions of the TikTok app could also lead to problems with dueting. Check you have the latest version installed, and update it if an update is available.
On iPhone, go to the App Store, select your profile icon, and check the Updates tab for any TikTok update. On Android, go to the Play Store, tap your profile picture, then select “Manage apps & devices” to check for a new TikTok version.

Installing the most up-to-date version of the app can potentially fix software bugs preventing duets.
Restart Your Device
For stubborn duet errors that persist, try fully rebooting your device next. This clears out any lingering glitches at an OS level that force closing the app or updating doesn’t resolve.
Power cycle your phone, tablet or device completely by turning it fully off, waiting a minute, then powering it back on. Once it restarts, launch TikTok again and see if you can duet the problem video now.
Use a Different Video Instead
In situations where none of the above fixes are working, the path of least resistance may be trying a different video to duet instead.
Even if you have your heart set on duetting a particular TikTok, if that specific video refuses to allow duets there’s not much that can be done. Save yourself the hassle by finding an alternative video with duets enabled to use for your duet content.

Contact TikTok Customer Support
If you still cannot resolve the “duet not allowed” error after trying all other troubleshooting, your last resort is reaching out to TikTok’s customer support team.
You can submit a support ticket in the TikTok app by going to your profile, tapping the three dot menu, selecting “Report a Problem” and choosing “Report Other Issue”. Or visit TikTok’s support website to contact support there.

Explain your duet issue in detail and ask if there are any restrictions on your account that could be preventing duets. The support team may be able to lift restrictions or troubleshoot other causes on their end.
When to Try Dueting Again After Getting the Error
Getting the timing right on when to attempt your duet again is key. Here are some tips on when you should try another duet after seeing the “not allowed” error:
- If you think it’s a temporary glitch, try dueting again after waiting 1-2 hours first. This gives the error time to resolve.
- If the video was under review, check back daily to see if it has passed review and duets are re-enabled yet. Reviews can take anywhere from 24 hours up to a few weeks.
- If your account was restricted from dueting, try again in 24-48 hours after appealing the restriction through TikTok support. This allows time for them to review your appeal and potentially lift restrictions.
- For copyright-related duet blocks, unfortunately you likely won’t ever be able to duet that exact video. Those errors are final.
- Following app updates and device restarts, test any problem videos again right away before moving on to other solutions.
Preventing “Duet Not Allowed” Errors Going Forward
While you can’t control every potential cause of “duet not allowed” errors, there are some best practices that can help avoid them happening in the first place:
- Always manually check that duets are enabled on any video before trying to duet it. Never assume dueting is allowed.
- Exercise caution when using popular or copyrighted songs, clips or images. TikTok’s automated system often flags these for blocking duets.
- Be mindful of TikTok’s community guidelines with your uploads. Posting inappropriate or dangerous content could get your account restricted and dueting abilities revoked.
- Install TikTok updates promptly to ensure you have the latest software with the fewest bugs.
- Test dueting with different videos when one isn’t working to identify any account restrictions or isolated issues.
What to Do If Your Own Videos Can’t Be Duetted by Others
If other TikTokers are trying but unable duet your own videos, there are a few things to look at on your end:
Confirm Duets Are Enabled on Your Video
Go to the Share options under your video’s menu and verify that “Allow Duet” is toggled on. If you have it disabled, turn it on to allow duets. Leaving it disabled blocks anyone from duetting that video.
Check for Copyright Takedowns or Claims
Even if you didn’t realize it when posting, your video may have triggered copyright claims you need to resolve. Go to your video’s analytics and look under “Copyright” for any notices. Edit out any flagged content to lift copyright-related duet blocks.
Appeal Any Account Restrictions
If your account has faced restrictions for guideline violations, this can prevent your videos from being duetted. Appeal any active or recent restrictions through TikTok’s support options to regain full account privileges.
Contact TikTok Support
If your videos meet all duet criteria but are still getting “duet not allowed”, contact TikTok support. Explain the issue and ask them to investigate why your content is getting blocked from duets. They may spot and resolve something on their end.
Troubleshooting the “TikTok duet not allowed” error takes some diligent testing and patience, but solving it ultimately comes down to identifying the root cause.
Figure out if it’s a creator-disabled duet, copyright claim, account restriction, app glitch or something else entirely.
With the right mix of waiting it out, updating software, contacting support and trying other videos, you should be able to overcome most duet errors that arise.